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Every move effectively combines core, endurance, cardio, balance, strength and flexibility training.

This is the method and machine that has transformed Hollywood’s hottest bodies! The Lagree Fitness Method delivers results fast. The no-impact program features targeted exercises performed at a slow and controlled pace, activating slow twitch muscle fibres to build the long lean physique that has made this workout famous.

The combination of working muscles to failure and eliminating rest periods creates workout regimen that burns the maximum number of calories in a minimal amount of time, and most efficiently develops muscle tone and strength. Best of all, the effective intensity can always be adapted, preventing clients from ever reaching a training plateau.

With Sebastien Lagree’s ground breaking invention, The Megaformer™, a system of resistance and counter resistance is used to place muscles under constant tension and work them to failure point, a key to the method’s delivery of swift results. The machine features various handles, straps and accessories. The Megaformer™ and The Lagree Fitness Method provide a dynamic platform for our instructors to continuously create new and unique workout experiences, constantly evolving and challenging our clients in new ways. For more information on The Lagree Fitness Method and The Megaformer™: The future of fitness is here!